Q & A


I’m new to yoga, rowing, or cycling…

First of all, we want to say congrats on taking the first steps to put you first, sometimes this is the hardest step of them all when it comes to self-care and self-love.

If you are new to our studio or new to Far Infrared Radiate Heated yoga then let us guide you. Yoga is accessible for everyone, no matter what you look like, how old you are, how you dress, how much you weigh, what you do for a living, where you live or what religion you practice. Yoga is in no way exclusive, if you can breathe you can do yoga. It’s possible that you have a certain condition or a recent injury that makes it challenging or dangerous to do certain types of yoga, specific poses or breathing techniques, but there will always be safe alternatives that an experienced yoga instructor can help you with.

How much water should I be drinking??

Due to the increase in detoxification and extended sweating, you want to start your intake prior to class and continue after you are done. Wear light weight and breathable clothing. Hydration is key! Please use this link to calculate the adequate amount of water right for you, https://www.camelbak.com/en/hydrated/hydration-calculator.

I’m not sure where to start??

If this is your first time ever trying yoga, hot yoga or a new exercise routine we recommend that you start with our Foundation & Gentle class. Besides these classes being the foundation of the studio they will also provide you with a lower temperature of heat and allow your body to gradually get adjusted to practicing yoga in this environment. We also want to point out that ALL of our classes will have modifications to make poses accessible for your body, and that means easier OR harder. If for any reason you get light headed, dizzy or have nausea take a moment to lay down on your mat or take child’s pose. If that doesn’t help after a few minutes step outside of the studio and take a break in our lounge, feel free to grab a cool lavender towel out of the refrigerator too. We are an open community that thrives on communication so always let your teacher know what your expectations are for yourself and that class. Bottom line, don’t let the name or description of a class be the reason you don’t come, we are all on this journey together as one community. So get on the mat and let’s get to work.

Do I have to sign up for classes?

Yes, sign up to guarantee your spot in class using the Gypsy Waltz Hot Yoga Studio App or go to the Schedule page on our website. We welcome walk-ins, just know that signing up will guarantee a spot in the class. Sign up is also required for classes that have children in them as these classes have a limited number of spots available. You can sign up by using the GWY App or on our schedule page.

Where do I put my shoes and belongings?

Please leave shoes, personal belongings and cell phones outside of the yoga studio room in the designated cubbies. We do not have lockers with locks instead we have cubbies outside of the studio room to hold your personal belongings. The studio will be locked during class time so your personal items will always be safe. GWY is not responsible for lost or stolen items. If this is a concern we would encourage you to keep personal items at home or in your vehicle.

What time should I show up for class?

The doors will open 30 minutes before each class begins. We recommend that you show up 15 minutes before class, this allows you plenty of time to park, check in, say hi to friends and prepare for your class. Allow yourself time to adjust to the heat, set up your mat & towel and grab pose enhancers (aka props). The studio will be locked with no entry 7 minutes after class starts, so please be on time.

What kind of clothes should I wear to hot yoga?

First things first, there will be sweating….and lot’s of it. We recommend that you wear clothes that are clean and appropriate for sweating and movement. Remember that athletic wear doesn’t last forever and over time they tend to hold on to body odor. We recommend clothing that is fitted as loose t-shirts may be bothersome for you. Also, odor sensitivities can be common, so please refrain from scented perfumes, lotions or cosmetics prior to class.

What if I have to leave class early?

Our goal for you would be to stay the entire class until after savasana but we understand that life outside of the studio can be busy. If you plan on leaving early with a special circumstance please let the instructor know. Place your mat by the door for a respectful exit before savasana begins.

Am I allowed to talk inside the yoga class?

First of all, we want to point out that we are a community and we all thrive on our communication and support we have for one another and TRUST US we LOVE to talk ;-). All that we ask is that you be mindful of your environment and try to keep talking to a minimum at a quiet level before class. At the end of class there is a magical thing that happens called savasana ;-) . This is a time that we would request NO talking, please be mindful of your neighbors when exiting the room as there may be others that want to stay in savasana as long as their bodies need. Thank you.

Can I bring my cell phone into the yoga class?

Please leave your cell phone and other electronic devices outside of the classroom. We’d like to encourage you to unplug so you can UNPLUG. We understand that some industries require you to be on call and it’s out of your control. If so, we ask that you let the teacher know, set your phone to silent and place your mat by the door for a respectful exit.

What if I forgot my yoga mat? Do you have mats for rent and for sale?

YES! We will have yoga mats for rent ($3) and for sale.

What if I have an injury or chronic condition?

Please feel comfortable approaching your teacher before class if there is something about your body of which they should be aware. You can also call or email if you’d like to talk to someone in private before you come to the studio. We understand that we live in a world full of competition and judgment, but that’s not the case the second you walk in our doors. If any pose in class does not feel good, we encourage you to listen to your body and skip it or modify it to suit your needs at that moment. Our teachers are there as guides to empower you and keep you safe; however, you know your body best. This is YOUR practice, just let us know how to guide you through it!

What should I eat and drink before class?

Drink lots of water for several days before your first class if you’re not in the habit of drinking water. Doctors estimate you need at least 2 liters per day for normal body maintenance. Yoga helps to aid digestion through twists, which can be uncomfortable if you have eaten anything too heavy throughout the day or right before class. We recommend not eating about an hour before class. Of course, if you’re really hungry and your yoga class is about to start, it’s best not to go into the room with a growling tummy. You need the energy to carry you through, after all. In that case, eat something light and refreshing. We suggest some fruit, nut butters or even a protein bar. WATER WATER WATER before, after and during class.

What are the mental benefits of practicing hot yoga?

The challenge of doing yoga in a heated environment provides a process where we can learn to better control our thoughts, stay present in the moment and stay content among the continually changing conditions that life provides us. Your mind will benefit in this environment by strengthing your willpower, self-control, concentration, and determination. Eventually, over time your mind and body and the heat will feel like second nature to your yoga practice.

What should I bring to class?

Bring a yoga mat, water and a yoga mat towel. You may be wondering what a yoga mat towel is. This is a specific absorbing towel with grippers on the backside made for yoga mats, we have them for sale in the retail area. Some students opt to bring a beach towel, but know that these are prone to move around on mat. Yoga towels are made to not slip or move around with an active yoga practice as normal towels may not do the trick. Experiment with this and see what is right for you. Both mats and yoga mat towels will be available for purchase at the studio.

Is yoga a religion?

To answer this question, we look to the roots of yoga. Traditionally, yoga is the science of the Self. Yoga helps us understand our inner world through various techniques that include yoga poses aka stretching, med­itation, breathing, focused awareness, and certain rules of behavior and conduct, this being, just be a good person and do to others as you would have them do to you. So this begs the question; what's in religion that’s missing with Yoga? Here are a few things: Yoga has no deity to worship, no worship services to attend, no rituals to perform, no sacred icons, no creed or formal statement of religious belief, no requirement for a confession of faith, no ordained clergy or priests to lead religious services, no institutional structure, leader or group of overseers, no membership procedure, no congregation of members or followers, no system of temples or churches. At the end of the day, do your own research and we hope you choose to get sweaty with us on the mat.

Is a FIR Heating System safe?

In the last 25 years, extensive research has been carried out worldwide regarding numerous medical and health benefits of FIR Heating Systems.  The good news is that infrared heating is 100% safe. The word radiation often scares people and it is true that some types of electromagnetic radiation can be dangerous, such as ultraviolet and x-rays, however, remember that visible light (that we see with our eyes) is also a type of electromagnetic radiation – and this, much like infrared is 100% safe! To learn all about FIR, the benefits and the contraindications head over to our FIR page here.

Are there any reasons that I should NOT do Far Infrared Radiate heated yoga?

Medical Disclaimer: If you have a heart condition, low blood pressure or a pre-existing health condition, consult with a doctor before trying Far Infrared Radiate heated yoga. If you have adverse reactions to heat, are prone to heat stroke or dehydration or have a medical reason to avoid being in a hot tub or sauna, you may want to stick with regular yoga. If you are doing a hot yoga class, make sure you’re well hydrated by drinking lots of water before, during and after class. We always recommend starting with our Foundation & Gentle class as these are not as hot as other classes, see our class descriptions to learn more about temps and humidity levels . Always consult with your medical provider if you an unsure if Far Infrared Radiate heated yoga is safe for you and a certain medical condition.